Monday, August 4, 2008

Birth control clears acne and acne scar face

A diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables will provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals. These foods are high in fibre so your intestines will move at a faster rate. Food that stay in your intestines too long will ferment, and then toxins will be absorbed into your body, and this will be reflected in the way your skin looks.
Retinoids Help Normalize KeratinizationAlthough the mechanism by which topical and systemic retinoids help restore acne follicles to a healthy state is unknown, it has been well demonstrated that they normalize keratinization within the infundibular region of the follicle, so that shed follicular cells slough to the surface of the skin rather than clump together and obstruct the pores.After exposure to retinoids, follicular cells actually turn over more rapidly than they would in a pre-acne state.Retinoic acid has a high affinity for the gamma retinoid receptors, which are believed to be integral to the pathogenesis of acne.In addition to their ability to reverse abnormal keratinization within the follicle, the topical retinoids - especially adapalene (Differin®), a naphthoic acid derivative - may have anti-inflammatory properties and thus may address two factors involved in the development of acne.
Most acne sufferers with Internet access are now looking towards home remedies to cure their pimples. The reason for this is because they're cheap and are generally more effective than over the counter products which you buy from local drug stores. Home remedies are now even more popular than over the counter products for good reason aswell! If you're still buying those over the counter products, stop right now. There is a cheaper and more effective to cure your pimples. And that cheaper and more effective way comes in the form of uusing household ingredients to create a effective solution that will cure your pimples in just a few weeks, if you stick to a consistent plan.
tags: how to clear acne california, zinc to help treat acne, how long before retin-a starts to clear up acne

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